
David Collins is the author of a series of illustrated books.
None of them are intended to be “do it yourself” manuals. They are to assist you with your current iaido training.

Their inspiration has come from the the training and support that David has received in his 28 years of studying iaido.

All books are available for purchase through NineCircles

Kawagishi Dojo David Collins iaido Cornwall illustrated seitei
Volume 1
How to fold your iaido clothing.
(礼法 – れいほう – reihou)
Seitei kata (1 – 12)
Standing kata (1 – 4)

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Kawagishi Dojo David Collins iaido Cornwall illustrated Koryu
Volume 2
(礼法 – れいほう – reihou)
Omori Ryu (1 – 11)
Eishin Ryu (1 – 10)
Tachi uchi no kurai

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Kawagishi Dojo David Collins iaido Cornwall illustrated Oku Iai
Volume 3
Tate Hiza (1 – 8)
Tachi iai (1 – 10)
Seiza iai (1 – 3)
Tsumiai no kurai (1 – 10)

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